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A very warm welcome

We are delighted that you have taken the time to visit our website. All are welcome at our Parish, St Jeanne Jugan, incorporating St Urban's and Our Lady of Lourdes Churches and serving St Urban's and Sacred Heart Schools. If you you happen to be in the area please do stop by and join us for Holy Mass


Status: As scheduled

  • Weekend Mass

    Saturday: St Urban's: 6:00pm (Vigil)

    Sunday:St Urban's : 10:30am

  • Weekday Mass

    Tuesday: St Urban's: 19:00pm

    Thursday: St Urban's: 10:00am

  • Holy Days Mass Times

    Holy Days Mass Times: TBA


Status: As scheduled


Find out about our parish news, updates and activities. Feel free to download our recent parish newsletter, or simply read our current news found within this section.




Our recent news and parish notices. Keep in touch with our most up-to-date news items

By Webmaster January 17, 2025
Are you inquisitive about the Ministry of a Deacon? Then you are invited to attend an open information session at Hinsley Hall on Saturday 8 February, 10:30am-12pm. For more information and to register please contact Father Chris is also always happy to discuss interest in the priesthood, the diaconate, and religious life (with the latter both for men and women). As a late vocation, Fr Chris says its seldom too early or too late?
By Webmaster January 17, 2025
Volunteers are still invited to join our readers rotas both at St Urban's and Our Lady of Lourdes. Volunteers are still needed to help with counting the offertory after the 10.30 Sunday Mass at St Urban's and for cleaning on Monday mornings, again at St Urban’s. We also need volunteers to do some additional work at Our Lady of Lourdes, such as cleaning our beautiful tabernacle, candle sticks, the processional cross etc. All of these are important forms of serving God and each other. Please help if you can by speaking to Father Chris or email the parish office. Thank you to all those currently helping and those who have come forward; it is sincerely appreciated.
By Webmaster January 17, 2025
Communion under both kinds is available at all of our Sunday Masses. There is absolutely no pressure for people to take the chalice; please do not take the chalice if you think you have any kind of infection. Also dipping a consecrated host into a chalice is not permitted. Please consume the host in front of the priest or minister, if you walk away with a consecrated host you will be stopped. Please remember that, after the consecration in the Mass the bread and wine are no longer bread and wine but the great gift of the body, blood, soul and divinity of Our Lord Jesus himself.
By Webmaster January 17, 2025
The Holy Father Pope Francis opened the Holy Door at St Peter’s Basilica on Christmas Eve, marking the beginning of the Jubilee Year, the theme for which is Pilgrims of Hope . The Jubilee presents an opportunity for spiritual renewal. One aspect of this is the availability of gaining indulgences either for yourself or the Holy Souls in Purgatory. An indulgence releases the soul of all the residual penalties attached to sin. In the Catholic tradition there are several ways to obtain a partial or a plenary (that is a full) indulgence. In the Jubilee Year one way is to make a journey or “pilgrimage” to one of the designated Jubilee Churches in our Diocese, the nearest one to us is the Cathedral. At the time, or as soon as possible afterwards, go to confession, receive the Eucharist, and pray for the intentions of the Holy Father. The indulgence is not “magic” in that the person also must have a detachment from sin, or as some of us will remember from the past, have what is called “a firm purpose of amendment”. The Holy See has provided guidance for obtaining these particular spiritual graces and I have left at the back of the church information about this which I hope you find to be helpful. More information will be issued by the Diocese soon concerning Jubilee related activities during the year. Fr Chris
By Webmaster November 30, 2024
This Christmas, give your loved ones something exceptional and life changing. Buying CAFOD’s virtual World Gifts makes a real difference for our sisters and brothers facing the injustice of poverty around the world. Choose from a range of beautifully illustrated cards, each representing a gift of hope, inspired by real people and real needs. Cards can be sent by post, as an eCard, or printed at home. Purchase World Gifts and other gifts such as Advent calendars and jute bags at or pick up a catalogue in church.
By Webmaster November 30, 2024
Friendship Group: Meet every Wednesday at 10:30am in the meeting room at St Urban’s. You are all welcome to join our Friendship Group for tea and cakes. All most welcome
By Webmaster January 17, 2025
SVP LEEDS – ANNUAL FAMILY SPONSORED WALK IN AID OF THE ST VINCENT’S SUPPORT CENTRE : Will take place in the countryside around Wetherby on Sunday 18th May 2025. All walkers new and old are most welcome. There are 2 walks: one of 3 miles and one of 9 miles to suit all ages and abilities. The shorter walk is especially suitable for primary school children and their families. For more information, please visit our website or contact Leigh Bradley: //0113 -2484126 or from our Parish SVP Conference. Please also look out for the posters in the Narthex. Please support our unique Leeds based project helping the disadvantaged & those living in poverty throughout Leeds. The Centre always needs supplies of non-perishable foods also toiletries. These can be left in the boxes at the back of our churches and are taken to the Centre by members of our SVP. The Lord tells us to feed the hungry, so thank you all for your donations which are sincerely appreciated.
By Webmaster November 17, 2024
St Vincent’s Centre The Centre always needs supplies of non-perishable foods also toiletries. These can be left in the boxes at the back of our churches and are taken to the Centre by members of our SVP. The Lord tells us to feed the hungry, so thank you all for your donations which are sincerely appreciated. 
By Webmaster October 7, 2024
Preparation for the sacraments of reconciliation, holy communion and confirmation take place in our primary schools. There will be children who do not go to our schools but who need to be prepared for these sacraments over the coming months. Please let Father Chris know as soon as possible if your child is not attending one of our schools and requires preparation. This is the final notice  on this for now as we are about to agree timetables for the sacrament of Confirmation with our schools


Our recent news and parish notices. Keep in touch with our most up-to-date news items

By Webmaster January 17, 2025
GETTING TO KNOW YOU: You are welcome to join our Tuesday evening socials at the Meanwood Tavern for a drink and some pizza. It is a great opportunity to meet new people and catch up with others. We walk up after Tuesday evening Mass, or you can meet us there at 7.45pm. For any questions, or to join the WhatsApp group for reminders, please get in touch with Joaquim Messa on 07454 678034 or Sarah Messa on 07952723416
By Webmaster November 30, 2024
You are welcome to join our Tuesday evening socials at the Meanwood Tavern for a drink and some pizza. It is a great opportunity to meet new people and catch up with others. Do not worry if you have not been before, you are more than welcome! The next dates are the 3rd of December and the 7th of January . We walk up after Tuesday evening Mass, or you can meet us there at 7.45pm. For any questions, or to join the WhatsApp group for reminders, please get in touch  with Joaquim Messa on 07454 678034 or Sarah Messa on 07952723416
By Webmaster November 30, 2024
THE LITTLE SISTERS OF THE POOR are holding two pre-Christmas Clothes Sale and Coffee Afternoons at St Urbans on the 14th and 21st of December between 12 and 3pm to raise funds for their rebuild. Please do try to support them.
By Webmaster January 17, 2025
I am due to have surgery on this day. It is a relatively straightforward operation, but I have been told that I will need to fully rest up for a few days afterwards to avoid post-operative complications, not an easy thing for me to hear let alone do! The Mass schedule  will continue without interruption. If you can spare a prayer or two for me on the 22nd I would very much appreciate it. Fr Chris
By Webmaster January 17, 2025
Every Tuesday morning between 9am and 12 noon (in term time only). Anyone who wants a relaxing place to be for an hour or two with free hot drinks are welcome to come to St Urban’s meeting room.
By Gerard Kearney January 10, 2025
The Christmas season closes this week with the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord. Why was Jesus baptised, after all he was free from all sin, including original sin? There a number of reasons. One is that Jesus was as much about actions as words. Before his ascension into heaven he asks his apostles to do two things, the first is to bring the world to belief in him, then, secondly, baptising people in the name of the Father, and The Son and The Holy Spirit. Through his own baptism Jesus showed how baptism was to be done. It is something that Christians continue to do over two thousand years later. In his baptism Jesus shows us his connection to the Father. But there is more, the Holy Spirit is also present. This is the first example in the Gospels where we see the three persons in one God - the Holy Trinity. This was, and is, an important revelation to us. Jesus' baptism also revealed his connection to the Father through the Holy Spirit. In our own baptism we are also connected to God in the same way which makes us too the adopted children of God. We are as much the daughters and sons of God as Jesus is if we chose to embrace that adoption in our lives. Amazing isn't it? I am away from Monday to Friday this coming week spending a few days in Rome.  Please be assured of my prayers for your intentions there. Fr Christopher

Pope Francis

If peoples are to remain brothers and sisters, prayer must rise unceasingly to Heaven, and one single word constantly echo on earth: peace.

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