Webmaster • March 2, 2025

ASH WEDNESDAY marks the beginning of the 40 Days of Lent. Lent is not just about giving things up. Its three elements are prayer, fasting and acts of charity. So yes, you may consider giving something up, but there is also a chance to do more too; more prayer

(perhaps a daily rosary or attending a weekday Mass); more charity (donating food and other things to the SVP box at the back of our churches, or joining the work of the members of our SVP; giving to charity such as CAFOD or St George’s crypt in town); less food or

drink (with the savings to charity). It’s not all doom and gloom, it is intended to be a time of renewal of the soul and preparation for the great festival of Easter. Ash Wednesday is one of the two days of the year of fasting and abstinence – one meal during the day

and abstinence from eating meat. The rules for fasting and abstinence apply to people from the age of 14 to 59. There are the

exemptions you would expect to see for, for example, health reasons. People who are 6o and over are welcome to join with

their younger sisters and brothers they are able to. 

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