Christmas is barely behind us and all of a sudden its Ash Wednesday marking the beginning of the 40 days of Lent. Lent is a season that can feel like a bit “doom and gloom” but its intention is that of renewal of the soul; a time to pause and reflect on our relationship with God and with each other too. We are given three tools to help us with this – prayer, fasting and “alms giving” (acts of charity). Prayer is about turning our hearts and minds to God; fasting is a form of personal purification; but as St James tells us in his letter faith without works is dead, so works of charity enable us to externalise the inner processes of the other two.
Jesus always wanted his followers to improve themselves, particularly their relationship with God, and then to put it into practice in the world. Lent, with its three pillars, provides us with a structure to make this possible in our lives.
I think that we need Lent to have a particular time in the year to reorientate ourselves to God and to focus on how, in practical ways, we can support our brothers and sisters, particularly those in particular need. Lent is springtime for the soul.
As always, be assured of my prayers for you and your intentions.
With my sincere best wishes for the week ahead.
Fr Chris
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