This coming week we see two of our Yorkshire Saints in the church's calendar, St Paulinus of York and St Wilfrid.
Paulinus was deeply involved in the conversion of England being sent by Pope St Gregory to England in 601 AD. He dedicated the rest of his life to building the Christian faith in the north until his death in 644 AD.
St Wilfrid was born 10 years before the death of Paulinus. He is most famous for helping the church adopt the customs and practices of the church in Rome.
We often forget the importance of our own saints but both in their own way were critical in establishing the church we know and love. May they intercede for the us, and the church, to help us keep our fidelity to Jesus and our fellowship within the Catholic and Apostolic church.
As always, God bless and keep you all; I keep your intentions in my prayers every day.
Fr Christopher
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