Next week is the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception which celebrates the immaculate conception not of the Lord Jesus, but of the Virgin Mary in the womb of her mother Saint Anne. Why was Mary conceived without original sin? Mary was predestined to be the mother of Jesus. Being without original sin (which we all bear before baptism) meant that Mary was fitting to bear the only begotten God, the Lord Jesus. That is why one of her titles is "Ark of the Covenant". The Jewish people believed that the God of the Old Testament lived in the Ark in the Temple in Jerusalem.
How do we know that Mary was conceived immaculately without original sin? Well, she told us herself. St Bernadette asked Mary who she was at Lourdes. Her reply was "I am the Immaculate Conception".
O Mary conceived without sin, pray for us who have resource to thee.
As always, God bless and keep you all; I assure you that keep your intentions in my prayers every day.
Fr Christopher
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